ukulele player

Top Tips for First-Time Ukulele Players

The ukulele is a social instrument that brings people from all occupations together. It is worth noting that the ukulele spirit is highly contagious, which means most people gain interest after experiencing this musical instrument. So you are thinking about playing the ukulele, there is a way to go about this process. Here are some simple tips to help you start playing the ukulele like a pro.

new ukulele

Invest in a Decent Ukulele

If you are passionate about learning how to play the ukulele, you need to start by investing in ukulele. Getting the right ukulele is probably the most important decision that you can ever make. With a huge variety in the market, retailing at different prices, you have to do some digging.

Learn How to Hold Your Ukulele

After buying a ukulele, you should start by learning how to hold it. As much holding might seem too easy, it takes time to master. For instance, how you hold the ukulele while seated might be different from how you might do it while standing. While seated, the practice is to have the ukulele’s body rest on one of your legs, with the strumming arm going above the instrument’s top.

Learn to Play

After learning how to hold the ukulele, you can now start having some fun. Besides just trying out things, it would be important if you start by learning the basics. YouTube is always a great place to start, especially if you are not in a position to enroll for ukulele lessons. For starters, you should resist the urge to start with some fancy chords. Learn the basics instead.

ukulele player

Play Slowly

After you master the basic cords and can do some strumming, you should start thinking about changing between chords. Playing slowly as you switch in between cords is the best way to master the art of playing this musical instrument without making many mistakes. The best way to go about this is to start with songs with slow and easy cords.

Learn from the Pros

After learning how to play slowly, you might consider jamming along with seasoned players. And if you are learning out all alone, you can always learn from online videos. Whether you play along with a band or follow online, all this helps you feel the ukulele “groove.”